On the Pulse

Student Fundraises for Seattle Children’s Orthopedics, Publishes Research and Book on Sports Medicine

6.6.2023 | Seattle Children's Press Team

A group of four people pose with an oversized checkIn 2022, high school student Rakshith “Rocky” Srinivasan was working on research on how amino acids help with muscle mobility.

He was mentored by Dr. Burt Yaszay, the Chief of the division of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at Seattle Children’s, who helped Rocky understand the science behind muscle mobility.

In these sessions, Dr. Yaszay discussed his own research in orthopedics and sports medicine at Seattle Children’s, which inspired Rakshith to raise funds for those programs.

Since then, Rakshith and his nonprofit, Unlimited Potential (UP) have raised more than $10,000 for Dr. Yaszay’s program and research.

Rakshith founded UP in 2021 with a mission to raise funds and support cutting edge scientific research in sports science labs and medical centers.

“Our mission at UP is to be the voice of 3.4 million kids, who sit out of school sports because of a health limitation,” explained Rakshith. “Their hope of inclusion lies in ensuring that cutting-edge research, and clinical trials in the field of orthopedics and sports medicine is accelerated. As high schoolers and students of STEM, this belief fuels our passion towards medical research and raising funds for researchers who prioritize cures for ambulatory conditions like limb deformities, orthopedic issues, genetic musculoskeletal disorders, physical disability and cancer.”

Rakshith was also able to publish his research in the American Journal of Sports Science which won 1st prize at the 66th Annual Washington State Science Fair in March 2023.

“Much of this was made possible thanks to Dr. Yaszay for his help and continued mentorship,” he added.

A group of students pose with an oversized check inside Seattle Children's Hospital UP is a network of high school students who are active in sports and passionate about science and research

Rakshith’ s contributions don’t end there. His relentless pursuit of knowledge and passion for scientific exploration have led him to publish a book titled Overcoming Obstacles.”

The book delves into the remarkable advancements by medical researchers and dedicated doctors in treating neuromuscular disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, bionics, human kinesiology, injury prevention, biochemistry and orthopedics.

“100% of the sales from book will go back to the UP foundation, driving up fundraising efforts for prosthetic and orthopedic research and affordability,” Rakshith explained.

Dr. Yaszay wrote the introduction for the book, commemorating Rakshith’s efforts. This collaboration and mentorship are an example of the power of the youth-driven research and philanthropy that Seattle Children’s strives to foster in the next generation.

“Throughout the course of the last year I have been so impressed with Rocky’s dedication to Seattle Children’s and research,” shared Annie Crookshank, the Annual Giving Officer at Seattle Children’s. “The youth involved in UP are doing amazing work to start the next generation of research and philanthropy.”

Discover how to support fundraising initiatives for Seattle Children’s Orthopedics by the UP Foundation here and the Orthopedics Patients’ Needs fund here
