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Lab News

Connecting the Genetic Dots in Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
July 24, 2024 – Research from Dr. Nino Ramirez and colleagues significantly expands the list of potential gene variants associated with infants’ vulnerability to sudden, unexpected death.

Publication Q&A: Brain Researchers Offer Insights into Brainstem Region’s Role in Chronic Low Oxygen Levels, Disrupted Swallow
May 2024 – Continuing earlier work, a Center for Integrative Brain Research team provides new understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying disordered swallow.

Discovering Patterns in the Neural Activity Powering Breathing
January 19, 2024 – Scientists in Seattle Children’s Center for Integrative Brain Research produced a first-ever population-level analysis of neural activity underlying breathing.

Brainstem Region Revealed to Play Role in Regulating Swallow, Breathing
June 30, 2023 – Seattle Children’s researchers revealed novel insights about PiCo, a brainstem region that aids the coordination of swallowing and breathing.

How does the brain coordinate swallowing and breathing?
July 14, 2022 – In their paper published in PNAS, Alyssa Huff and Nino Ramirez are the first to discover the neural pathways involved in swallow-breathing coordination.

Answering a Century-Old Question: How Do Gas Anesthetics Work in the Brain?
June 9, 2022 – In their paper published in Current Biology, Seattle Children's researchers are the first to discover how gas anesthetics cause unconsciousness at the cellular level.