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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Seattle Children’s Safe Child and Adolescent Network

Seattle Children’s Safe Child and Adolescent Network (SCAN) was established in 1990 with a commitment to improving the health and well-being of children by addressing the issues of child maltreatment and neglect. Our SCAN clinical team includes child abuse board-certified physicians and social workers with expertise in child abuse and neglect. Our mission is to assure that children who are suspected of having been abused or neglected receive the best care and protection using a multidisciplinary, evidence-based clinical care model.

Clinical Services

The SCAN medical team

  • Provides phone consultation to providers on the diagnosis and safe plan of care
  • Provides formal consults to examine the child when there is concern for serious abuse/neglect
  • Provides consultation to the community via the Statewide Child Abuse Network contract managed by Seattle Children’s SCAN team

The SCAN social worker

  • Acts as the primary social worker on serious child abuse/neglect concerns taking the lead of the SCAN doctor
  • Provides management consultation of complicated high-risk or neglect concerns to the primary psychosocial provider
  • Provides consultation to psychosocial providers to assist in whether to report to CPS/law enforcement, or if other less-restrictive alternatives may be considered, including meetings with the multidisciplinary team (MDT)

    Education and Research

    Seattle Children's Hospital is a national leader in providing professional training, including a three-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in child abuse pediatrics, and in research to advance knowledge and to support policy changes to improve quality of life for maltreated children and families.

    Safe Infant Sleep

    For more information on safe sleep for infants, please visit National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

    Printable Resources

    • Caregiver Support During COVID-19: "Take 5" (PDF) This is a concise list of resources for parents and caregivers during this unprecedented time. Many resources are available for those wanting help managing their own stress, and also for those seeking help managing stressful behavior from children.
    • A Safer Family. A Safer World. (PDF)
      A resource for parents and caregivers of kids ages 0–12 on preventing child sexual abuse. Developed by the Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress (HCSATS) and supported by Seattle Children’s and the Molteni Family Endowment. You can order physical copies of the booklet from HCSATS.
    • Help for Abuse Concerns (PDF) (Amharic | Arabic | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese)
      Contains names, addresses and phone numbers of agencies that can help you if you feel your family's safety and well-being are compromised here at Children's, in your own home or in your community.
    • Stress Management (PDF) (FarsiRussian | Spanish | Vietnamese
      When a child is sick or hurt, a parent can easily get angered or upset. This "how-to" flyer gives ways to manage your stress at home or in the hospital. It covers signs of stress, things you can say or do right away to relieve anxiety and how to get help.
    • Don't Wait: Everyday Actions to Keep Kids Safe 
      Steps for parents and families to keep their children safe from sexual abuse. It includes how to set family boundaries, how to say no, OK touch vs. inappropriate touch, warning signs and how to support your children.
    • Safety Checklist for Home (Spanish) (PDF)
      A checklist describing how to keep your home safe. Discusses poisons, fire and burn safety; electrical cords and outlets; falls and other pains; choking; toys; outdoor play equipment; bikes, skates and skateboards; water and bath; and emergencies.
    • Genital Warts (PDF) 
      Genital warts are caused by a virus which may be spread in several ways. If you think your child may have genital warts, it is important to talk to your child's healthcare provider.

    Related Information

    Contact Us

    Phone: 206-987-2000